Provakil named a G2 High Performer in Legal Case Management - Two times in a Row!

We enable legal teams
to thrive in this digital world

Founded by lawyers and software engineers, Provakil is a first-principles approach on how legal ops should be done
in the modern world; increasingly so, as more and more businesses take to doing things the right way.

our purpose

Make businesses more efficient,
compliant and reduce their risk exposure.


At the centre of everything we do, we believe in creating delight
for our customers, our partners, our vendors and for our

Work is more purpose-driven and fulfilling when creating
delight is at the centre of our focus.


Work is not transactions done by faceless people. It is an
organic process - a group of people, referred to as a ‘company’,
who get together with a shared purpose to move forward.

They get sad, happy, distressed, overjoyed; but always
unmistakably human. And humans connect.


The ‘Why’ always precedes the ‘How’. As hard as it may be to
articulate the why, we strive hard to ask ourselves why do we
do the things we do, so we do it better.

This discipline allows us to continuously innovate as we
improve our understanding of the world each day, and
everything in it.


We call ourselves a bunch of rebels and counterculturists; in a
world fuelled by seemingly infinite VC money, we bootstrapped
the company with customer revenue.

We doubled down to focus on unit economics, customer
satisfaction, product supremacy, employee happiness, efficient
usage of available resources and taking a long term view. Value
is created by compounding returns, which occurs over long

Meet our Leaders

Looking to join us?

We are always on the lookout for committed people who resonate with our belief system.
Fit the profile or know someone who does? Write to us to know more about open positions.

Have questions about
Pricing, Plans, or Provakil?